We are developing new algorithms and applications of Machine Learning and AI
Graph Neural Networks are powerful tools for learning on graph data. We are scaling GNNs on SuperComputers to analyze billion scale graphs. We are also researching techniques to preseve privacy in Graph Datasets and FinTech applications.
Team: Manohar, Manisha, Dhruv, Sahithi, Rishitha, Aditya
Representative Publications:
Software: EAT-DistGNN
A. Neural Architecture Search for Split Learning on Heterogenous devices
B. Network (4G/5G/6G) trace analysis with LLMs
C. Edge Video Analytics at Bhilai Steel Plant
D. Open AI/ML (Multi-model alignment) using GNN
E. Quantum Split Learning
F. Edge implementation of Split Learning on 5G testbed
Team: Your Name
We have developed novel framework to empower Edge devices with performance of state-of-the-art deep learning models while preserving privacy. The data and labels are kept local and heavy computation tasks are offloaded to a central server.
Team: Manas, Vidhi, Manisha
Representative Publications:
Software: PFSL
We are constantly researching ways to bring affordable (personalized) healthcare to the masses. Current focus is on Vision, Hematology and Pathology related devices.
Team: Harshit, Shreyas
We are doing ground-breaking research for the Telecom and Heavy manufacturing industries. Our techniques allow to harness huge volumes of data to effectively monitor and avoid outages. We have developed novel data analysis and visualization algorithms.
Team: Roodra